Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Frohe Weihnachten zusammen !
will nur mal frohe Weihnachten zu allen da draussen sagen. Wuensch euch ein enspanntes und schoenes Fest, lasst euch nicht stressen - chillt lieber bisschen.
Bin zu Weihnachten in Lijiang, hatte gestern nen nettes Abendessen mit tausend Leuten aus aller Welt und bin dann ganz noch ganz nett fur nen paar Bierchen ausgegangen. Werd heute nochmal nen kleines Christmas dinner haben, genau wie morgen abend ... so lebt man halt. Machts alle gut ! Denk an euch !
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Beijing 2
Hallo, wollte noch nen bisschen von Beijing erzaehlen. Ja, nur was ? Ich glaub das Problem ist, das ich mehr chillen war als irgendwas produktives zu leisten. Heisst, ich arbeite mich um 10 oder 11 aus dem Bett, Fruehstuecke, trink Tee, haeng bisschen rum und spiel playstation ... ja und dann ist es auch schon Zeit fuer nen sehr spaetes mittagessen ... dann nen noch bisschen was anschauen, bisserl rumlaufen, Abendessen, dvd gucken und den Tag mit ner party, billigem Tsingtao Bier oder Reiswein beschliessen. Also das war mehr oder weniger Beijing. Sagte ist das bereits ?
Moment da war noch was - ah ja die Mauer. Ne nicht das Berliner Teil, ne "the great wall of china" Wie heisst das eigentlich in deutsch? Aber geile Sache. Wir hatten nen coolen Spot wo man kilometerweit den Verlauf sehen konnte. Klar das Ding ist nen bisschen restauriert, aber weniger als ich erwartet hatte. Die Chinesen haben irgendwie Not jede Sehenswuerdigkeit (besonderst die historischen) sauberzumachen, zu polieren und mit netten Gehwegen, Treppen, Seilbahnen und Elektrobuggys zu versehen ... so das dann jeglicher Charme den Bach runtergegangen ist. Naja, bei 9000km mauer sind sie noch nicht perfekt fertig geworden. Achja - klickt einfach das Bilderteil rechts oben an um zu flickr zu kommen, da lad ich meine fotos drauf.
Radfahren ist auch ziemlich cool in Beijing. Es gibt 6-spurige highways ... und daneben ein Radweg von fast derselben Groesse. Hatte gehoert das es in china unzaehlige Moppeds und Roller gibt - und war dann positiv ueberrascht das das eigentlich nicht stimmt, es sind immer noch fahrraeder und daneben kommen dann Elektrofaehrraeder und Roller. Das ist ok. Haben wir gar nicht in Deutschland oder ?
Bikeshops sind auch der Hammer, Giant-mtbs fuer 120E, mit carbonrahmen fuer 500E ... Spinergy-laufradsaetze fuer nen Appel und nen Ei. Zu dumm das China auf der anderen Seite des Planeten ist. Von Deutschland gesehen natuerlich.
Achja - kein Neid, Beijing ist saukalt. Im Moment zieht gerade ne Kaltfront von Sibirien durch. Heisst, ich frier mir den A** ab.
machts gut, tschuess
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Beijing, China
first impression : huge.
Coming by Bus from the north and driving hours over 8-lane highways, through a skyscraper dominated city to the bus station. Everthing somehow in order, not like Bombay or even Istanbul with miles and miles of slums and ramshack huts and streets covered with litter.
second impression : nice.
first and most important thing for me -of course- : the food. And the food is awesome. The menus are full with the most delicius things, from meat to noodles in all kind of different shapes and tastes via vegetables in thousand differents forms to rice - fried, boiled, streamed, with eggplant, garlic. Oh, did i mentioned the soups, the different pancakes filled with all kinds of stuff from carrots, sauerkraut and spring onions, the dumplings in a minimum of a dozen styles, the hot stone dinners and the little ovens they put on a table to eat from ? and the tea which comes in to every meal for free ? And ... the price from hardly 60cents for a good meal without a lack of everthing ? And the chinese charakters i which everthing is written and which i cannot read ?at all ? got even one day rotten eggs with rice as stupid me just pointed something out on the menu ....
So as you can see, i've got a full belly .. and therefore (i'ven im just a couple days here) i liked here very much. Actually the most days i spent so far here, was very much shanty shanty. Dindnt do much. Rigth, i went to the forbidden City, lent a bicyle and went around for a day (awesome - you've got an 6line highway and a bikeline next to it which has almost the same size) but beside of that i really enjoy the fact that many people just standing around on the street and doing not much anyway. Like me.
okay thats almost it, next time i come with a post that makes more sense, feeling sick anyway, somebody said its an withdraw ... technically impossible
see you - jockel
Coming by Bus from the north and driving hours over 8-lane highways, through a skyscraper dominated city to the bus station. Everthing somehow in order, not like Bombay or even Istanbul with miles and miles of slums and ramshack huts and streets covered with litter.
second impression : nice.
first and most important thing for me -of course- : the food. And the food is awesome. The menus are full with the most delicius things, from meat to noodles in all kind of different shapes and tastes via vegetables in thousand differents forms to rice - fried, boiled, streamed, with eggplant, garlic. Oh, did i mentioned the soups, the different pancakes filled with all kinds of stuff from carrots, sauerkraut and spring onions, the dumplings in a minimum of a dozen styles, the hot stone dinners and the little ovens they put on a table to eat from ? and the tea which comes in to every meal for free ? And ... the price from hardly 60cents for a good meal without a lack of everthing ? And the chinese charakters i which everthing is written and which i cannot read ?at all ? got even one day rotten eggs with rice as stupid me just pointed something out on the menu ....
So as you can see, i've got a full belly .. and therefore (i'ven im just a couple days here) i liked here very much. Actually the most days i spent so far here, was very much shanty shanty. Dindnt do much. Rigth, i went to the forbidden City, lent a bicyle and went around for a day (awesome - you've got an 6line highway and a bikeline next to it which has almost the same size) but beside of that i really enjoy the fact that many people just standing around on the street and doing not much anyway. Like me.
okay thats almost it, next time i come with a post that makes more sense, feeling sick anyway, somebody said its an withdraw ... technically impossible
see you - jockel
Friday, December 02, 2005
Info's Border Ulan Bator - Beijing
course i looked for it and i didnt found it : here are some Info's about the Route from UB to Beijing
First Option: Direct-train. Problem: expensive (ca 60$)
Second: nigth train from UlaanBaator to Zamyn Uud (Bed ca 10$), in Zamyn Uud on 7-8.00 in the morning, one of the plenty minibusses outside the trainstation to Erlian (first town chinese side) for about 50yuan (takes a couple hours) and then (one of - when i was there, there where 5) the sleeperbus from Erlian to Beijing, departure around 2.00, in Beijing the next morning (120yuan).
That makes together around 28-29$ - half the price.
First Option: Direct-train. Problem: expensive (ca 60$)
Second: nigth train from UlaanBaator to Zamyn Uud (Bed ca 10$), in Zamyn Uud on 7-8.00 in the morning, one of the plenty minibusses outside the trainstation to Erlian (first town chinese side) for about 50yuan (takes a couple hours) and then (one of - when i was there, there where 5) the sleeperbus from Erlian to Beijing, departure around 2.00, in Beijing the next morning (120yuan).
That makes together around 28-29$ - half the price.
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